Register to SYLA

Inspiring future leaders

Register your child to SYLA

Register your child today to begin his young leader journey at SYLA where he will develop the character and skills required to achieve his aspirations and become one of tomorrow’s leaders.

As a charity, we fundraise to cover most of our programme costs so that SYLA is accessible to all families. We do, however, ask that parents pay a modest monthly membership fee as a contribution to our programme costs. This gives your son access to our Saturday Academy, weekly online mentoring, Easter and summer holiday camps, and enrichment trips. We offer sibling discounts.

Monthly membership fees:

1 Child – £20
2 Siblings – £35
3 Siblings – £40

Once you have registered your child, we will help you to set up your monthly payments.

For parents who may find the membership fee a barrier to joining, we are happy to assess your eligibility for a further subsidy.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk*

    Childs Information

    School, SEN and FSM Details

    SEN* (Special Educational Needs)

    Free School Meals?

    Medical and Dietary Information

    Any Medical Conditions?*

    Any Dietary Restrictions?*

    Parent Information


    I give my consent for my child to receive medical treatment in the event of an emergency*

    I give my consent for my child's image to be used in promotional materials for Southside Young Leaders Academy (SYLA)*

    Malachi – Young Leader

    Malachi is in Year 6 and is currently on our Young Leaders Programme. He tells us about his time at SYLA and the changes that he has experienced within himself since joining.

    “Since I joined SYLA in 2020, I have learnt how to be self-dependent and motivated. I have also learnt how to respect other people’s feelings and cultures.

    Before I joined SYLA I struggled with my confidence. I found it difficult to talk to other people and didn’t have enough confidence to make friends. At school I would have to ask other people to ask if I could play with them. I didn’t have many friends and focused on myself, but it did impact me as I would watch people play from the bench.

    My biggest achievement at SYLA is my improved mindset and confidence. I am now able to talk in public places and mingle with other people. What I enjoy most about SYLA is that there are lots of different people who I can play with. Not everyone is the same, everyone acts different, and it is fun.

    SYLA has helped me to shape my current mindset by encouraging me to be the best and make my goals possible.”

    Timothy – SYLA Alumnus

    Timothy completed our Young Leaders Programme and Scholars Programmes. Timothy currently studies computer science at Queen Mary’s University of London.

    “I still remember when my Mum asked my 9-year-old self if I want to go to SYLA. I was very sceptical, but who would have thought that it was one of the best decisions of my life so far. My 7 years with SYLA allowed me to develop many characteristics over the years but if I had to choose one it would be perseverance. SYLA made me realise that I can do anything I want if I just put my mind to it and discard all the negative stereotypes.

    When I was in Year 6, SYLA and Springboard allowed me to attend a boarding school called Royal Alexandra and Albert school. The name already put me off. My thinking was why should a person like me go to a ROYAL boarding school? After some thought, I realised this was a chance that I cannot miss. My boarding school experience was like no other. Initially, I thought I would be the only black person on the campus. To my surprise I was wrong. It was a very diverse school which allowed me to settle in much more easily.

    I am very grateful for my opportunity. Because of the support, I am planning to take computer science at university”.

    Tobi – SYLA Alumnus and Mentor

    Tobi completed our Young Leaders and Scholars Programmes. Tobi is now a student at Durham university and a mentor on our Young Ambassador Alumni Programme.

    “SYLA has been a life changing, fun and inspiring experience for me. I came to SYLA with some behavioural issues that were getting in the way of what I wanted to achieve for myself. I have learned the importance and context of respect, both for myself and other people. I have also realised that people at SYLA are always thinking of what’s best for you even though you may not know it at the time.

    When the opportunity of becoming a Mentor came, I couldn’t say no. I really wanted to do it. It felt right because I have personally received opportunities through SYLA, so I wanted to give back. It is beneficial to the current SYLA boys to have someone available who has already stepped in their shoes.

    I also will learn a lot from this opportunity and be able to apply it elsewhere. I get to develop my planning skills and work on getting and giving positive feedback. I also get to acknowledge my own value and realise what I can bring to the table. I am still quite open minded about the career path I want to pursue, but I know that I want to focus on making a difference”.

    Kemar – SYLA Alumnus and Mentor

    Kemar completed our Young Leaders and Scholars Programmes. He was SYLA’s first ever intern in 2022 on our Young Ambassadors Alumni Programme. Kemar now plays for Brentford Football Club while studying for a Level 3 diploma in Sports. He also is also currently employed by SYLA as a part time Sports Leadership Mentor.

    “My name is Kemar and I have been with SYLA for eight years. Through my ranks at SYLA, I have learnt a lot about myself and about life. Being part of such an amazing organisation has taught me how others can positively affect your life and how that can propel you to new levels and among big names.

    One thing I’ve been brought up to believe is the importance of giving back. Without SYLA’s help I wouldn’t be in the great position I am in today – achieving things I never thought I would ten years ago. Therefore, I have chosen to come back to work for SYLA on their Internship Programme to give back the support that I received, and to share my knowledge with the current young leaders. I am happy to be part of the SYLA family and believe that we can all achieve great things with each other’s help”.